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Manage student grades with an integrated grade book

The Campus Cafe student information system has an easy to use grade book that allows faculty and instructors to manage their grades for test, quizzes, exams, assignments etc. Both letter and number grade can be captured and weighted for any type of assignment. The overall grade is calculated in real-time and can be applied to the real-time transcript or grade report. 

Grade Book

The power of the Campus Cafe grade book is with the speed for entering grades. The table format is designed like a spreadsheet so it’s just a simple to use and all the individual assignment grades and totals are viewable in a single screen for a full picture of the class performance.

Final Grades

The final grade that the instructor enters is immediately transferred to the student transcript. Campus Cafe also supports integration with external Learning Management Systems so the final grade in the LMS will automatically be transferred to our system.

Letter and Number Cross-Conversion

Our student information system supports converting number grades to letters.

LMS Integration

The top Learning Management Systems integrate with our SIS.