Comparing Campus Cafe and Ellucian Colleague: Student Information System Review
We explore how Campus Cafe’s student information system compares to Ellucian Colleague in key areas, like price, features, integrations and more.
Build customizable reports for all your government and internal reporting needs
Organize all of your contact documents in one central location
Share information with an extensive marketplace of software partners
Communicate and track all your activity with prospects, students, alumni and organizations
Provide access to prospects, students, alumni, parents and faculty.
Cloud Based system is easy to manage with or without an IT staff.
Traditional non-profit and proprietary institutions choose Campus Cafe to manage their operations.
Vocational schools in Allied Health, Beauty, Massage, Technical and other trade programs choose Campus Cafe to manage their clock-hour programs.
See how our customers are taking steps to modernize the student experience, streamline operations and take control of student data.
We explore how Campus Cafe’s student information system compares to Ellucian Colleague in key areas, like price, features, integrations and more.
Learn about the latest developments in the new Gainful Employment and Financial Value Transparency rules and what it means for schools.
Discover why Campus Cafe’s student information system is a better solution than Ellucian PowerCampus for institutions with limited budgets and small staff.
Campus Cafe has helped hundreds of schools implement our integrated student information system. We have the solutions and support to help you with navigating small bumps in the road to full-blown SIS emergencies.
Implementing a new student information system can dramatically improve your school’s technology stack and data management practices.
The best way to keep student data secure, accessible and manageable is to have a trustworthy data partner. Watch out for these red flags to find the best student information system vendor for your college.
This use case shows how Huntingdon College will use Campus Cafe’s new plan of study feature to map student’s individualized guided pathways to graduation.
There’s a critical nerve center that leads the data and operations inside every college, university and career school: the registrar’s office.
After making the big decision about where to attend school, students shift their focus toward a major or degree. But mapping out a path to graduate on time requires just as much attention – if not more.
Higher education accreditation is key for reputation, recruiting, and receiving federal and state financial aid. A student information system can help manage the process.
Admissions application software can help both non-profit colleges and career and trade schools streamline operations, boost enrollment and improve the student experience.
We share time-tested best practices and advice from real customers to implement a student information system.
A CRM is a hub for all admissions and recruiting operations. It’s a centralized database to manage prospects, enrolled students and organizational data.
Learn about the latest developments in the new Gainful Employment and Financial Value Transparency rules and what it means for schools in 2024.
The right Learning Management System can modernize the learning experience for students and faculty to help improve educational outcomes.
Discover how online registration software can revolutionize course enrollment, eliminate manual registration and ensure a seamless process.
A student information system with built-in school billing software improves the student billing process and your school’s financial ledger.
See how Campus Cafe’s student information system helped Huntingdon College improve its admissions funnel and reduce IT headaches.
Discover the advantages and disadvantages of financial aid software compared with an integrated financial aid module.
Learn how to protect and safeguard student data by maintaining data privacy, mitigating cyber threats and securing student information.
Transitioning to a digital document management system reduces inefficiencies, improves security and promotes better collaboration.
Financial aid software, pre-built reports and the National Student Clearinghouse are resources that help small financial aid teams stay Title IV compliant.
A student information system helps career and trade schools manage career placement data to stay compliant, streamline reporting and engage with alumni.
Alumni management software helps small schools with targeted alumni outreach and boosts fundraising and gift campaigns.
Your student information system should offer most of the functions that a school needs, but also handle a range of API integrations.
Integrated campus CRM software built for higher education helps all departments streamline communications between prospects, students and alumni.
Between the multitude of federal reports, filing deadlines, and internal reports that help measure and evaluate critical operations,
The 1098-T Tuition Statement is one of the most important forms a financial aid office prepares.
By upgrading to a new, integrated student information system, schools can organize data, improve efficiency and promote better communication.
A modern student information system can help colleges and career schools boost student retention rates and support at-risk students.
A cloud-based student information system supports higher-education remote work trends while improving productivity and retaining staff.
Messy data can derail operations, but a student information system can help colleges improve student data management and reporting.
To improve career and trade school attendance, use a student information system with clock and credit-based attendance software.
Look for these 10 features in admissions software to help small admissions teams work more efficiently and grow enrollment.
To win over prospective students, deploy a three-step process to boost admissions, leveraging data every step of the way.
An integrated student information system creates a single source of truth, which guarantees that everyone at your school has access to the same information.
A student information system with a financial aid module makes tracking and reporting more reliable and keeps your school compliant with Title IV requirements.
Cost, ease of use and data security are the most important factors when updating to a cloud-based student information system.
When your school decides it’s time for a new student information system, everyone inevitably asks, “What will it cost?”
Managing career and trade school data can be complex. A student information system (SIS) simplifies student data management and federal reporting requirements.
When boiled down, education is primarily about experience and outcome. Prospective students and families weighing their college and/or career preparation options often consider several key
Sometimes it can be hard to quantify the value of a Student Information System (SIS). You know you need one because it provides necessary user
Deciding on a single fully-integrated ERP system or multiple Best-of-Breeds? For educational institutions, performing tasks like nurturing prospects, providing portals for students and faculty, maintaining
SaaS vs On-premise: What are the Risks? Determining the best Student Information System (SIS) built to adequately meet the needs of your organization can be
I have been involved in developing student information software, customization, consulting, training and mentoring in small to medium sized schools and colleges for over 30